/* // JoomlaWorks "Tabs & Slides" Plugin for Joomla! 1.5.x - Version 2.4 // License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 JoomlaWorks, a Komrade LLC company. // More info at http://www.joomlaworks.gr // Developers: Fotis Evangelou // ***Last update: May 20th, 2008*** */ JWTS_DESC=

JoomlaWorks "Tabs & Slides (in content items)" Plugin v2.4 [for Joomla! 1.5]

Logo The "Tabs & Slides (in content items)" Plugin gives you the ability to easily add content tabs and/or content slides within standard Joomla! content items (articles). The tabs emulate a multi-page structure, while the slides emulate an accordion-like structure, inside a single page!

So, no need for your visitor to scroll through a large page or navigate between pages to read a "big" article!

See the "Tabs & Slides (in content items)" Plugin in action in our exclusive demo site HERE!


Inserting "Tabs"

It is very easy to add tabs in your new content items or convert existing ones to a tabbed layout. First activate the plugin from the Plugins menu option in the backend. Then go to the items manager and start a new content item or edit an existing one. Start your first tab using the plugin string "{tab=tab title here}" (without the quotes), write some text below that, then continue with the next tab using -again- the plugin string "{tab=other tab title here}" (without the quotes), then write the second tab's text and so on. When you finish the text of your last tab, simply "close" them by adding the plugin string "{/tabs}" (without the quotes).

Check out this example, it's what you would write in your content item (notice the code written in bold letters):
This is some text above the tabs

{tab=first tab}
some text
{tab=other tab}
some more text here

And some more text after the tabs!

Inserting "Slides"

Adding Slides to your content is as easy as with Tabs. Again you need to activate the plugin from the Plugins menu option in the backend. Then go to the items manager and start a new content item or edit an existing one. Start your first slide using the plugin string "{slide=slide title here}" (without the quotes), write some text below that, then "close" the slide by adding the plugin string "{/slide}". We need to do that cause -unlike the tabs- slides are independent of each other. Continue with the next slide using -again- the plugin string "{slide=other slide title here}" (without the quotes), then write the second slide's text, "close" it with the plugin string "{/slide}", and so on.

Check out this example, it's what you would write in your content item (notice the code written in bold letters):
This is some text above the slides

{slide=My first slide in Joomla!}
some text
{slide=Joomla! is the best}
some more text here

And some more text after the slides!

Inserting both "Tabs" and "Slides" in your content items

Additionally, you can mix tabs with slides in your content and vise versa. So you can have tabs that include content within slides or slides that include tabbed content!


You can easily customize the way tabs and slides appear on the screen. All you need to do is modify the included CSS file (tabs_slides.css). We already did some generic customization, so that you can easily see what can be achieved.


If you insert tabs or slides in your content items and see them break apart on your website, try this: Check the page source and see if you can find any html tags that are not "properly closed" in your content, mainly any <p> tags. This might be a common issue when your content is not properly formatted -perhaps after copied from a Microsoft Word document- so the best thing when applying tabs/slides in your content is:
  1. Make sure your content is clean from any Word or other bad markup. Use Notepad as an intermediate clean up method when copy-pasting your documents to Joomla.
  2. Make sure that when you press "enter" in your content, the editor does not output a <p> tag, but a simple, plain, good ol' <br /> (break tag). In the editor's parameters, there is always such an option.
  3. Insert the "tabs" or "slides" plugin strings. If you still encounter layout inconsistencies or broken tabs or slides, then some html tag in your text is to blame for sure!


Please visit JoomlaWorks for release information.


The "Tabs & Slides (in content items)" Plugin utilizes the following scripts:


The "Tabs & Slides (in content items)" Plugin is a Joomla! CMS extension developed by JoomlaWorks (www.joomlaworks.gr) and released under the GNU General Public License.

JoomlaWorks is a team of web professionals dedicated to delivering high-quality extensions and templates to the Joomla!/Mambo community. We also do custom development for anyone looking for a tailor-made solution to their project, so feel free to contact us.

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Please show your support in our work by rating or commenting on this extension at the official Joomla! Extensions website.

the JoomlaWorks team

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 JoomlaWorks. A Komrade LLC company.

(Last update: May 20th, 2008 - version 2.4)